You Are My Lobster

In the run up to Valentine’s Day it seems the perfect opportunity to share with you this little cross stitch lobster I designed last year for Lakeside Needlecraft’s Summer Cross Stitch Book.

This fellow is stitched in just one colour of embroidery floss using two strands over two threads of 28count Cashel linen or one thread of 14count Aida.
When finished the design measures approximately 11cm x 11cm so you may already have enough material in your stash to squeeze this project into the coming weekend.
In fact, my good friend Lesley, who stitched the sample, managed 14miles of Nordic walking, cooked dinner and then whipped this critter up in the evening!

The free pattern can be found in the shop under the PDF Pattern button
Have fun!

Lobster Cut Out.JPG

Design Process


Charity Christmas Ornament